
Movies: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (second viewing)

It's really just . . . It's like Force Skype, right? And Luke gets mad when he finds out Rey has been Force Skyping with Kylo.

Rey: He's not as bad as you think he is!
Luke: No, he's really as bad as I think he is.
Rey: We're going to meet and have a real date and you'll see!


Kylo watches the Millennium Falcon fly by and, I mean, think about that: It's his [late, hated] dad's ship and the girl he crushes on who rejected him is flying it. It's the quintessential adolescent nightmare really.


Rey to Luke: Okay, so he was as bad as you said.

I'm not saying this to be mean. It's actually my favorite part of the movie. It's the exact same kind of YA drama that we love in novels, right? I eat that stuff up.

There are still things about the movie that I didn't love, like Leia floating back to the ship after being Yondu'd. I get she has powers or whatever, but that stretched credulity by a lot for me. And there are plot holes, but that's almost required in Star Wars movies. I mean, why didn't Holdo just tell Poe why she was doing what she was doing? That would have saved everyone some trouble.

But on the whole I enjoyed it more the second time.

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